Ennio and Zaho-Sebastian are returning home from the bar at 11 p.m.
Ennio and his german friend Zaho-Sebastian are returning home from a bar at 11 p.m. Ennio is still in the mood to continue having fun in night clubs. But Zaho-Sebastian is craving sex. Ennio never talks about sex with another guy, and those around him perceive him as a heterosexual, who only fucks girls. However, Zeho-Sebastian knows that it’s a little different with him. He regularly visits Ennio in Prague, and he knows that whenever they spend the evening together in a bar, he always has great sex with Ennio afterwards.
Zaho-Sebastian likes to suck dicks, and he enjoys offering his ass to any horny guy. Ennio is satisfied. It turns him on when a young gay boy sucks his dick, and he also likes to fuck men in the ass. That’s his secret.